Donate to the Cause

1. Make a secure donation using PayPal

Donate Today using PayPal


2. Send a check to:

PO Box 963
Wayzata, MN 55391

Make checks payable to The Rapunzel Project.

Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. The Rapunzel  Project is recognized as tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal  Revenue Code. EIN: 27-1189440

Please note: The Rapunzel Project pays no salaries and has minimal overhead. We strive to use all donations exclusively to advance cold cap therapy awareness and availability.


Together, we can help chemotherapy patients keep their hair

Keeping one's hair while undergoing chemotherapy can help liberate a patient emotionally and physically from the "cancer patient" label and improve self-image and morale – vital, yet often overlooked, elements of overall wellness.

You can help support the cause, too. By joining the effort, spreading the word and/or donating to The Rapunzel Project, you'll be a part of helping chemotherapy patients look and feel better.


We need YOUR help

Spread the word about scalp cooling and cold caps, and

  • Tell your friends and family
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Tell doctors and nurses, especially those involved with cancer care
  • Tell your hair stylist, as salons often are aware when a client needs to buy a wig or shave their head – anticipating chemotherapy


patients can keep their hair during chemotherapy

You can help support the cause, too.


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